Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Design considerations for Photo Book assignment

Evaluation for final photo book project


Completion of the project involves twelve panels.


Design of this project is concerned with unity. The various elements that comprise a unified project are listed below and will be covered in the class. All design considerations are implemented with the use of Photoshop.


Unity in design incorporates the following design considerations:


  • A colour scheme that is consistent and appropriate for the mood.
  • Content that is relevant and contributes to the theme and is not ambiguous.
  • A theme or concept that can be easily recognized.
  • Appropriate type that relates to the theme and mood. Font, style and limited variation are important considerations in type use.
  • White space or empty areas are intelligently used and contribute and support emphasis in the design.
  • Repetition is used to help unify the content. Repetition may include patterns or repeating graphic elements such as images, logos, or any other graphic element..
  • Purposeful use of effects such as layer blends, contrasts, diffusion, blurs and transparency.
  • Integration of design concepts such as balance, movement, emphasis center of interest and tension.



Mood is most evident and effective when the above design considerations are consistently and purposefully implemented and directed toward a specific audience and a specific emotional response. An energetic and informal mood would be different from a more static and formal mood. To imply energy and informality, textures, type, colour would provoke a more excitable response. Colours would be more bright and contrasting, textures would involve more erratic and energized repeating lines.


Technical skill

This particular project concerns itself with the use of Photoshop and the integration and effective use of the various design considerations listed above. Photoshop will allow for the creation of backgrounds as well as the means to clean up photographic images that will used in your photo book.

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